


事情发生的经过: The Revenue Laws Study Committee heard presentations on 国家销售税的各个方面, NCDIT released new broadband accessibility data, and WRAL continues its series on North Carolina’s most pressing issues.

单词释义: Read below for analysis of that Wednesday committee discussion, which shows once again how difficult it is to gain consensus for change when it comes to the state’s system of taxation. 365足彩下载正在密切关注事态发展, and any future updates will be 包括d in this bulletin.

利用: 在互联网接入方面,NCDIT 北卡罗来纳州宽带指数 hope to shore up a long-standing problem: unreliable data regarding broadband access. The Indices take eight factors into account to generate a “宽带可用性评分每个县.

瘦子: Broadband also remains the topic of conversation on WRAL. Last week, Raleigh-based news outlet looked at 经济影响 农村宽带(特别是N.C. has failed to realize more than $3 billion in business revenue over the last three years due to unreliable internet.)本周,注意力转移了 医疗保健和学校.

立法机构的成员 临时税务及财政委员会 received staff presentations on local sales taxes Wednesday.

演讲 focused on potential ways to update the formula the state currently uses to determine how sales taxes are distributed to each county. Staff said they were asked to develop these options as a means of modernizing the distribution formulas to match the state’s current economy. The system now used has been in place for several decades, and any changes to it would inevitably cause some counties to gain revenue while other counties would lose revenue. To minimize any negative effects if changes to the formula were made, staff suggested injecting more funding into the equation, such as an appropriation to local governments like a hold harmless payment.

The changes discussed would not affect the methods counties can choose to distribute sales tax revenues to municipalities within their borders.

作为对员工陈述的回应, some legislators on the committee questioned the need for making the policy change at all, noting the intense opposition previous proposals on the subject had generated. 这些提议, 在最近的立法会议上提交, failed to gain consensus among legislators of both parties, 特别是在众议院. 委员会主席 森. 保罗·牛顿 stressed that the staff presentation given Wednesday was simply a starting point for future discussions. The committee will likely continue exploring the topic at its March meeting.

If the committee should recommend legislation for Short Session consideration, 该365足彩下载将继续其长期的, steadfast position that any changes must 包括 ways for all local governments to grow their revenues. 

Among the other topics of discussion at Wednesday’s meeting was options for providing counties with flexibility in levying local option sales taxes under Articles 43 and 46. These are sales tax revenue options that are available to counties in N.C., but none of the proceeds from these sales taxes are shared with municipalities.​

N.C. 信息技术部的 发布新数据 that will provide a more accurate look at the current state of broadband access and the digital divide in North Carolina.

证券交易委员会公布. Eric Boyette在纽约报道.C. 国家新兴问题研究所 重新加入技术机会论坛北卡罗来纳州宽带指数 包括 地图排名 还有各种各样的 其他数据 relating to both broadband access and broadband availability by county.

"Data on where broadband is and isn’t available is notoriously under-reported and thus does not fully depict the reality on the ground for many North Carolinians,“读 NCDIT的新闻稿. "The 北卡罗来纳州宽带指数 are two unique measures designed to create a more accurate picture of the state’s broadband access, 采用, 以及由此产生的数字鸿沟."

指标可以是 看这里.​

In their ongoing series covering some of our state's most vital issues, WRAL, 与365足彩下载合作, explores this week how broadband access affects rural education and health care. 

The most eye-catching number: 1-in-10 North Carolina students do not have access to home internet. 这是 根据N.C. 宽频基建办事处.

文章可以是 在这里阅读, and we will continue to share WRAL's series as articles are published.

Through the presence of Facebook, Rutherford County and Forest City are now enjoying 引进急需的技术. That progress can be traced directly back to local investments.

In 2010, Facebook was looking for a home for one of its four data centers. 这个设施将是一个巨大的, 350000平方英尺的建筑 容纳成千上万的服务器. A campus of that size requires a great deal of infrastructural support – roads, 水, electric – and Facebook needed a host city that would be able to provide these services in large capacity.

Enter Rutherford County and Forest City, who had been making those necessary investments for years.

现在, 在森林城市的家里, Facebook正在与MCNC合作, a technology non-profit that owns and operates the state-wide fiber-based North Carolina Research and Education Network, 建造大约100英里长的光纤 to make high-speed internet available to key community institutions: schools, 医疗设施, 以及政府部门.

Read more about Forest City and the work of local governments in western North Carolina on 我们在这里成长.